Sunday, 6 May 2012

Final Renders


The Humvee I designed was from blueprints from this website has a big selection of blueprints for vehicles and weapons. After getting the correct blueprint I imported the blueprint into 3DS max using a plugin and began to create the outline of the Humvee and started to build the shell of the Humvee. Once I had made the base of the Humvee I then added in detail such as window wipers and wing mirrors, after adding in all the each details I then try out some renders without any textures to get a clay feel render. Once I was happy with the way it looked I then UW Wrapped the Humvee to make sure that the textures would look good and not out of sync, After I did that I began to texture it from looking at Humvee's and influences. Once I had textured my model I then tried loads of different renders to get the perfect final product.

Textures used for the Humvee I got the majority of these from but a couple of them from searching on google images. All of the textured were defused and the dimensions are 1600x1067


For my environment I created a bitmap in Photoshop that when I changed the colours the environments features would change for example, If I would use black it would make the terrain go down and If I used white It would make the environment go up to make mountains or high terrain you use grey as a default colour and that would make the terrain flat so you edit the terrain with three colours. Once I had made the layout of my environment I then began to add in props such as the fencing with the barbed wire, rocks, oil barrels and my mud hut. The tree's you see are pre rendered and made already in 3DS Max, After adding in all my props I then followed a tutorial on the internet on how to make realistic water for my oasis. Here is a link to the tutorial After I had finished the tutorial I then textured the whole environment and the props and added in the lighting and then began to render it from different angles to get some beauti-renders. At the end I added in my Humvee that I had created and placed it into the environment.

Textures used for my environment was taken from All of the textures were defused and the dimensions are 1600x1067

These are some of my beauti-renders I took from different angles of my environment

Showing the water and the shadows of the objects in the environment

Monday, 26 March 2012


Final Animation


My animation Is a triple jumper and idea is the person beings to run and then jumps into three continuious jumps and then one big final jump. As the person does the final jump their legs and arms lean up to gain as much air time as possible before landing, after they have landed the person beings to nod and clap and throw their hands up into the air. When animating the person running i had to move the arms one by one to make it look like the person is putting in the effort to run at a high speed using a biped you can set the steps automatically and the character is already boned so it makes it easier to move each limb. After watching alot of videos of triple jumpers i saw that they skip the last three jumps to build momentum before leaping into the final jump, I found that hard to recreate in 3DS but after watching alot of examples and other animations i found it easier to work out.


Using a Biped is simple because you dont have to create the models and bone it

Simple to navigate and control

Easy to set keyframes

Have alot of control of the Biped itself


Biped is boring to look at

Can be buggy sometimes

Limbs arent very fluid


Monday, 19 March 2012


Humvee 1

Humvee 2

Oasis 1

Oasis 2


Desert Village

Mud Hut


Barbed Wire

Barrel of Oil

Concept Ideas

I have made an concept of the humvee that I'm going to create, I have also made a concept of my environment on photoshop and I have made a concept of my building that will fit into my environment on paper.
This is the concept I made for my Humvee i drew the outline of it and then scanned the photo into photoshop

Now that I have made my Humvee I then wanted to add in the environment. I added a blur to the background and a lens flare to make it more movie like and completed.

This is a drawing of a mud hut concept idea, This is a bit different to the one I'm going to create in my final product, the kind of mud hut I'm creating is the same as the one in my humvee concept's background.

Concept of the mud hut that the enemy will use a base and hold weapons and ammo

Overview concept of my environment, including my vehicle and props

Concept of a palm tree

Concept of the oasis with a couple of rocks

Monday, 5 March 2012

Blog Update

Starting the frame of the humvee, I downloaded a reference of the humvee from a website called and cropped them down to size and used a script for 3D Studio Max to add them in.

After making the body of the humvee I then added in the lights and the grill and the side doors.

After creating the doors and lights/grill I made the bottom of the humvee

(Texture for ground on my terrain) (1600x1067)
(Texture for the mountains/hills) (1600x1068)
(Texture for oasis) (1600x1068)

(Texture for fencing) (1600x1068)
(Texture for barbed wire) (1600x1068)

Rock texture