Monday, 19 September 2011

Constructing a robot arm in 3DS

Constructing a 2D image into a 3D model, You have to start from the basic's but first you have to get a basic idea of the programme you are using which is 3D Studio Max a 3D modelling software from Autodesk.

The programme has standard primitives these a pre-programmed objects that you can implement onto your stage (work area). Some examples of this is a square which is a 2D object which only has an X and Y axis but if you add the Z axis which adds depth this makes the object 3D and this changes it for a square to a cube/box.

3D Studio Max - Robot Arm Basics

We have to construct a robot arm in 3D Studio Max.

Using Primitives (Cubes, Pyramids, Cylinders)
Lines, Curves, Polygons, Primitives, Faces and Elements
Meshes: Wireframe, Co-ordinate geometry: 2D and 3D surfaces


Monday, 12 September 2011

How To Make A Polygon

A polygon is when you add Z to X and Y, this makes the object become 3D because Z is adding depth to the object for example changing a square into a cube.

X and Y create a line / spline / vector between themselves before then add Z for depth.

2D Square without Z Added
3D Square with Z Added